☊ The North Node in karmic astrology

Revealing your soul mission...

It is an indisputable fact that we meet our soul mates on our individual soul path. Technically, the South and North Node in karmic astrology, also referred to as esoteric or spiritual astrology, are points where the moon intercepts the earth's orbit around the sun. They're important because they are points of strong soul magnetism.

Your True Node, or North Node by sign and house, represents your soul mission which pulls you toward the future.

Your South Node represents your past. This is associated with any karmic energy, negative or otherwise and can explain your soul's habits and experiences from current and past lifetimes. These are the things you need to resolve before you can halt the cycle of reincarnation. The South Node also represents the natural talents you were born with.

If you look into it then you'll remark straight away that your North Node is, in most cases, different to your Sun Sign. While your Sun, or zodiac, Sign represents how you achieve and radiate your energy, your North and South Nodes represent the path of your soul.

Why study your North Node?

The famous astrologer Edgar Cayce said that the real value of astrology is not about future predictions but rather the understanding of our cycles of soul growth.

So when someone is seeking their soul mate, I always encourage them to learn about their North and South Nodes. Indeed, I feel that I'm learning more about my own nodes all the time, mine is Cancer in the 12th in case you're curious.

By consciously aligning yourself with your soul mission you align your personality, with your soul. This will not only make your life more meaningful and enjoyable, but it'll work with what your soul wants for you, instead of working against it. This will alleviate that feeling of unfulfillment you may sometimes get.

What's more, actively working with your North Node also supercharges the laws of attraction between you and your intended partner. So the more you engage your North Node, the more likely it will be that you'll be able attract people, opportunities and good fortune into your life, aligning all of them with your soul mission.

Interpreting your soul mission

↣ Your soul mission is expressed by sign and by house.

↣ As you may know, there are twelve astrological signs. These symbolically represent different emotions and experiences of life.

↣ There are also twelve astrological houses, representing areas of life or life issues.

Three steps to activating your soul mission

Here, I'll call your North Node your soul mission, and your South Node your talents and karma.

First, appreciate the talents you've mastered over lifetimes, represented by your South Node. They're the foundation from which you'll launch your future. Second, own your karma by consciously acknowledging the flip side of your talents represented by your South Node: those ingrained not-so-lovely habits which has likely created some karma. THIS is the energy that keeps you stuck. It's your ‘Achilles Heel’. And — it's always the 180 degree opposite to your soul mission. Third, step into your soul mission by adopting new EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, ATTITUDES and ENERGY in the AREAS OF LIFE represented by your North Node.

Comfort zone warning!

Stepping into your soul mission may NOT be easy peasy, and that's okay. Know that it's your soul stretch for this lifetime.

For example, my soul mission is in emotionally vulnerable Cancer (and the heavily karmic, mystical, 12th house), which at first scared the heck out of me. But! Exploring this has been incredible for me as well.

Your North Node sign

Emotional responses, attitudes and energy to adopt :

♈ Aries “I am”

♉ Taurus “I have”

♊ Gemini “I think”

♋ Cancer “I feel”

♌ Leo “I will”

♍ Virgo “I analyze”

♎ Libra “I balance”

♏ Scorpio “I desire”

♐ Sagittarius “I understand”

♑ Capricorn “I use”

♒ Aquarius “I know”

♓ Pisces “I believe”

Your North Node house

Life issues to explore. Note! You must have your birth time for these to be accurate.

First house: “Your true, authentic Self re-born and expressed fully”

Second house: “Your self worth and its expression in the material world”

Third house: “In the moment communication and your environment”

Fourth house: “Family, physical home and emotional foundations”

Fifth house: “Birth children, heart expression and manifestation”

Sixth house: “Your work, health, pets and how you give service”

Seventh house: “Your relationships with others including marriage and business”

Eighth house: “Your intimate relationship, investors, estates, death and re-birth”

Ninth house: “Education, international travel, nature and your personal truth”

Tenth house: “Your achievement and public reputation outside of family”

Eleventh house: “Receiving love through friendships, and like-minded groups”

Here's how to get on the path... to your soulmate

Hint! These are traits that evolve over a lifetime. So if they seem odd or challenging at first, that's cool. Have fun with the idea.

North Node in Aries: The spiritual warrior

Keynote: “I am”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to form and strengthen your identity... and find out who you really are as an individual! When you do this, it will improve and deepen your relationships on all levels.

How he'll recognize you: He (She)'ll notice that you have an unshakable sense of yourself, with a deep desire for fair play. As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll help you bring out your fiery, decisive, risk-taking and independent side.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often overly indecisive, vascillating, ambivalent, shallow, over-giving and dependent: run!

North Node in Taurus: The spiritual gardener

Keynote: “I have”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to possess your own set of values to live by and create inner security. When you do this, you will experience peace and stability... even in the midst of turbulent change.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that you are calm, steady and practically creative... with a sexy intense side as well! As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to heal old wounds and work steadily toward something you're passionate about.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often secretive, obsessive, possessive or together, you create intense, chaotic situations: run!

North Node in Gemini: The spiritual messenger

Keynote: “I think”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to develop flexibility, curiosity and openness to new ideas. When you do this, you enrich your relationships and exchanges with others, and discover the true meaning of wisdom.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice your curiosity and great listening skills. As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll stimulate you to seek new, creative ideas and encourage you to write, speak or possibly teach what you learn to others.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often wild, hard to tame, commitment-phobic, brutally opinionated, or closed to new ideas: run!

North Node in Cancer: The spiritual mother

Keynote: “I feel”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to explore your emotional and nurturing qualities. When you do this, you will be able to enhance your relationships by offering protection and compassion to others when they need it... and most of all, compassion for yourself.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that you are an emotional wellspring of comfort, while also being down to earth. As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to be vulnerable, support others and create a nurturing home that's solid and stable.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often rigid, strict, stubborn, insensitive or controlling: run!

North Node in Leo: The spiritual royal

Keynote: “I will”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to be in the spotlight as a creative, fun-loving, generous and inspired leader! When you do this, you'll experience deeper heart-connections with others, while maintaining your individuality and belief in equality.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice your exuberent love of life, warmth, generosity, and repsect for others. As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to think big, take risks, and lead others in change for the betterment of all.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often detached, eccentric, rebellious, overly rational or distant: run!

North Node in Virgo: The practical healer

Keynote: “I analyze”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to develop discernment, efficiency and good health so that you can be there for others without giving yourself away! When you do this, your energy will strengthen, and you'll have more you can give to others in service if you choose.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that you are health-conscious, organized and rational... with a hidden sensitive side! As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to work conscientiously, bringing healing to yourself and others.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often escapist, illusory, addictive, emotionally drained, self destructive or (yikes) in “victim’ mode: run!

North Node in Libra: The master negotiator

Keynote: “I balance”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to develop tact, diplomacy and see others' point of view. When you do this, your relationships will prosper and you'll experience harmony, without sacrificing who you are as an individual.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that you have a deep desire for justice... with a fiery side as well! As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your knack at creating win-win situations, while helping others find the inner strength that comes so naturally to you.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often quick-tempered, confrontational, impatient, burned-out, impulsive or reckless: run!

North Node in Scorpio: The spiritual investigator

Keynote: “I desire”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to dig deep in your relationships and the recesses of your soul in order to eliminate anything that's held you back. When you do this, you will feel uncluttered and strong, and your life will be ready for new growth.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that with you, still waters run very deep. As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to explore sexually, navigate the depths of change and use your power for healing and transformation.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often stubborn, materialistic, vain or fearful of change: run!

North Node in Saggitarius: The spiritual teacher

Keynote: “I understand”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to re-discover what's natural! Including the outdoors, other cultures and mostly, your own philosophies about life. When you do this, you will experience true freedom — which you share with others if you choose.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that you are a generous and ethical friend with a natural ability to communicate. As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to trust your intuition and love of travel, which broadens your understanding of life.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often scattered, unfocused, duplicitious, changeable, or inconsistent: run!

North Node in Capricorn: The spiritual father

Keynote: “I use”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to be a father to yourself, and mater the material world through develop practicality, integrity and self-reliance. When you do this, you will not only find success, but your success will feed you emotionally as well.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that he can always count on you... and that you have a soft romantic side as well. As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to plan, work hard and be resourceful in order to manifest your dreams.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often insecure, dependent, moody, insecure, timid, passive or need to be needed: run!

North Node in Aquarius: The spiritual individualist

Keynote: “I equalize”

Your soul path: In this life, you're here to develop your own set of rules, outside of the norm and to cultivate equality and sensitivity to the needs of others. When you do this, you will discover the meaning of true friendship, even during an affair of the heart.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that you are a wonderful friend... with a warm, romantic side as well! As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to experience and grant freedom in a relationship — together with a deep heart-connection.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often demanding, vain, melodramatic, insecure or a drama queen: run!

North Node in Pisces “I believe”

Keynote: “I believe”

Your soul path: The spiritual companion. In this life, you're here to develop your artistic and musical nature, sensitivity, adaptivity and healing abilities, for yourself and others.

How he'll recognize you: He'll notice that you are reflective, empathetic and sometimes quite psychic... with a logical side as well! As he becomes your astrological soulmate, he'll bring out your capacity to meditate, trust your psychic ability and explore your inner artist.

Warning signs: If in his presence, you are often picky, perfectionistic, overly analytical, critical, worrying, hypochondriac or workaholic: run!

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to get my reading?

All readings are delivered by email. I promise delivery within 2-3 days. The average time is under 2 day if ordered during normal business hours.

Why isn't this free?

Your initial reading is free in order to give you a taster of what my service is all about. The free report is a shorter version of a full personalized astrology report. The reason why I ask a fee for an additional service is two fold. Firstly, I am a professional astrologer and need to make my own living through the skills I possess. Secondly, astrology is often used as a form of therapy and it's important for the individual to contribute in some way to their own treatment. Astrology is a process that involves a mutually beneficial exchange if it is to truly succeed.

Do you need precise birth times or locations?

Ideally they should be as accurate as possible, but I can work with the best information you have. If the birth time is unknown then the common approach is to use 6.00 am as a basis for the Natal Chart.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes. A very high percentage of my business comes from repeat customers and personal referrals because my goal is to over-deliver in every area. All my work has full money back guarantee if you're not totally satisfied.

About me

My name's Diana and I'm a professional relationship astrologer. Since 1993 I've prepared many readings over the years and published over 3,000 articles on relationship astrology. My clients have included psychologists, relationship counsellors and several of the worlds largest dating services.

No hidden costs or additional reports to buy

It's common other sites for astrology reports to be just a few pages long and include an "upgrade" offer for additional reports. This up-selling process can cost hundreds of dollars for a complete reading. I never charge for additional reports. You'll pay one fee for one report.

I offer a complete relationship reading which includes all the astrological information for your relationship. There's no need to compare features or buy multiple reports from me, as I never hold information back to sell you additional reports later. Due to this complete coverage my readings have a wide variety of uses...

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