What is Astrology?

Astrology is one of the most ancient of sciences. It is based on the observation of the planets in the sky and that of human nature.

Over thousands of years man has noticed that each planet has a unique influence on our lives and personalities, and that as the planets move around the zodiac these influences change. The pattern of planets at the moment of birth, our horoscope, affects us at a deep level. It is as if, when we take our first breath, we record the energy of that moment in our memory. We then use that recollection to form our personalities and the way we interact with the outside world.

It may seem incredible that our lives can be affected like this. But at a physical level nothing is solid or static. Our bodies are formed of energy, making constantly changing patterns, held together by invisible forces of great power, both on a genetic level and spiritual one. Nothing is fixed, we exist moment to moment as our internal energy dazzles and whirls in an elaborate cosmic dance.

Astrology works at even less tangible levels than the physical, as it affects our psyche. It reveals to us our emotions, feelings, moods, mental powers, life energy and instinctive reactions. It exposes whether we are fiery or placid, emotional or practical, warm or cool, independent or family-minded, ambitious or easy-going.

It can seem far­fetched that lumps of matter in the sky should affect us, but when the interpretation of the birth chart is done well it can provide amazing and fascinating insight into why things are as they are. A personal birth chart will unlock and explain our confusing contradictions, inner conflicts, personal quirks, hidden talents and the way we relate to other people. Just by knowing what is shown in our birth chart helps us to accept ourselves as we are: it’s wonderfully liberating and, above all, empowering.

In fact astrology is an incredibly helpful tool for gaining self-awareness and of self- discovery that can bring us greater understanding of all aspects of our lives. It is also extremely valuable as a basis for counselling, enabling the practitioner to get to the root of a problem and see the challenges so much more clearly. I have often prepared personality profiles for counsellors and psychiatrists to use in their work with clients. One told me that the horoscope showed what it would normally take months of intense sessions of therapy to uncover.

Astrology is also helpful with timing. As the planets continue with their journey across the sky, they cross areas corresponding to sensitive points in our birth chart, coinciding with crucial times in our life. Awareness of these can be very helpful in making the most of opportunities or by giving us the patience to wait for the right moment to do something.

If astrology can really give such accurate guidance you might well wonder where freewill comes into the equation. Understanding what is shown in our birth chart can help us to make better and wiser choices; but it cannot force us to act. Just as looking at our proposed route on a road map does not automatically result in us arriving at our desired destination. We always have a choice.

We don’t yet really know how or why astrology works, nor do we know how the universe expanded from a speck smaller than a pea to the vast size it is today. However, science is based on observation, and I know from my experience with thousands of charts that astrology certainly does work, and that it can be extremely helpful.

Why not try it out for yourself by ordering your very own horoscopes today?

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